Wai Yee aka Rane is a simple woman living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. She is a Business Analyst during the day and a writer during the night. She is married with 2 lovely daughters.

Wai Yee aka Rane likes beauty stuff and enjoy quality lifestyle. We only live once in our lifetime, so why not made ourselves pretty and happy always, right? Both her and her husband like to travel a lot. They have been to the Europe, the UK, Australia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia, Phillipines, Singapore and some other countries in Asia before. Her next dream destination is the big apple - the USA!

She enjoy photo shoot and was very honoured to be crowned as Watsons Diva in year 2011.

She was honoured to be the Levi's Curve ID Blogger Award presented by Nuyou magazine Malaysia.
In year 2013, she was even seen on Vanish TVC in Malaysia and Sigapore.
She was also the faces of MarySharon since year 2015.
She hope that her hobby as the editor of http://www.ranechin.com/ will bring her readers some beauty knowledge and tips, and be beautiful together.
Last but not least, for PR/Media opportunity, collaborations, adverts please contact me at waiyee.chin@gmail.com
Follow me on my sites below;
Blog URL: http://www.ranechin.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ranechin
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/WaiYeeAkaRane
Instagram: http://instagram.com/ranechin
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/yee2609
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